102's News
Fix it


"And go round and round and round, in the circle game" - Joni Mitchell

Transparency is a buzzword these days. A quick search on Google gives you 3 billion and some related pages, it must be a hot topic. Running our business in an open and accountable manner is just plain common sense, though rumour has it some CEO's think otherwise. That's a topic for another day. In keeping with the T-word tenets, here's a bit of news. Our clock side of the business is taking some time off (pun unintentional). Michael had eye surgery in early January, and while there's no cause for alarm and he's healing well, it does slow down production. Fortunately for jewellery lovers, Cyndi's workshop...

I could describe the quiet beauty of Queenstown 'till you began to nod and still not do it justice. In the interest of brevity, here are just a few of the 21,349 photos we've taken since landing here in the late 90's. 7,000 words worth, if the old axiom is true. It begins at the St. John River on a summer day. Add a small herd, they take summer holiday on the island. Other denizens enjoy time on the water too. Of course there's a sunrise. Our garden's mostly vegetables, with some very happy sunflowers. Mist in the ravine after 4" of rain in 24...
The tree

There's a tree on an island facing our bit of shoreline in Queenstown. It was well established before we arrived in '97, and may yet see the turn of another century. Trees on the mighty Saint John River are tough customers, taking annual spring flooding and the ravages of winter ice as a matter of course. We see this guy every day on a morning walkabout. Though he doesn't move or even seem to grow larger, the tree is always different. It's a great place to stop for a moment, clear the chatter from your head and admire the complex beauty of something formed organically. We...